Folk och Fornt i Nydala socken, eng

 This webpage is based on Henry Renshult´s work with taking care of historical sources, oral tradition and old memories of people and places in the parish Nydala. The work resulted in six books ”Folk och fornt i Nydala”, published in the years 1979 til 1991. The webpage will continuously be completed with photos, pictures, maps and notes about geographical seating, resulting from the ongoing inventory of old crofters holding.

Ringas1963    1757.png          Ringas fotomontage 20140503
Crofters holdings, huts    Houses/Farms       Shop/Industry/service/handicraft      Schools
        Religious buildings       Nydala abbey        Nydala herrgård       Rusken       Maps       More sources

This work is run by non-profit volunteers, so it is totally dependent on contributions for material to mark the old crofts, scanning into web pages and cost for these.
We hope you have found it useful and as a thank will give a gift of money to it.

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